wow thats really pretty
Thanks! I got it done 2 days ago, but with bangs and longer! I have really straight hair so I get my stylist to use a straightener to make it curly by twirling it and holding it clutched and curled. Looks fabuli!
How do I get my hair to do that out of a salon environment?
OMG i luv this hairdo wish i could do it but idk how its so pretty! my hair would never stay like that
u hot
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wow thats really pretty
Thanks! I got it done 2 days ago, but with bangs and longer!
I have really straight hair so I get my stylist to use a straightener to make it curly by twirling it and holding it clutched and curled. Looks fabuli!
How do I get my hair to do that out of a salon environment?
OMG i luv this hairdo wish i could do it but idk how its so pretty! my hair would never stay like that
u hot